Prayer to Thor in Breton, French and English

by Eikthyrnir Odinson posted on Februar 6, 2022
Related: Deity Invocations, Gatekeeper Invocation, Norse Culture


Pedenn’vit trugarekaat hon porzhier Thor:

An Doue Kurun, Thor ar meur! Thor mab Odin!

Stlejerezh a rae da garrigell gant daou bouc’h, sachañ a raent.

E Bro-Asgard ez aes d’ober da hini labour.

Graet hon eus al liderezh zrouizel.

Ur porzhier bras ha nerzhus e oas evidomp’ni.

Gwarezet e veze hon hentoù e kreizh al liderezh gant da morzhol.

Ober a ri dazont adarre.

Da dad a zo sioul. O labour emañ e-barzh ar sal an harozed.

Pa’vez drist an amzer ez ez d’ar sal ouzh an tad-sakr, nec’het’ vez da welet.

O veajiñ e oan gant an hud-norzh.

Me a yae er sal da goulenn ouzh ar Valkirienned o sikour.

Ha sikourent ouzhin goude.

Me a blije din.

An hini vihan e-lec’h haroz ouzh an daol vras.

Dous o kanañ e oa ur barzhoneg re bravoc’h.

Edan an taol o kousket e oant kazhed Freya.

Davet er stêrig vihan war folkvang e-kreizh al liorzh o labourat emañ Freyr.

War ar ved ez aec’h Vretoned.

E-pad an devezh!

E-pad an abardaevezh!

E-pad an nozvezh!

Graet m’eus ma labour.

Graet m’eus ma lidoù.

Ober a raen kalz draoù gant ma familh.

Ober a rin memes draoù gant mignoned.

Bemdez e vezan d’ober ma labourat gant Douar ha Breizh.

Me a oar un dra-bennak hag a zo pouezus.

Thor Abodin sikourez ac’hanon alies.

Trugarez dit Thor!

Mersi bras!

Salud Thor!

Evel-se bezet graet!


Prière pour remercier notre portier Thor:

Dieu du tonnerre, Thor le grand! Thor fils d’Odin!

Ton chariot était traîné par deux bouc, ils la tirraient.

A Asgard tu faisais ton travail.

Nous avons fait notre liturgie druidique.

Un portier grand et fort était présent pour nous.

Il a protégé notre chemin au milieu de la liturgie avec son marteau.

Il le fera encore dans le futur.

Ton père est calme. Il travail dans la sal des héros.

Quand les temps sont tristes il est contre le feu sacré, il est inquiet en regardant.

J’ai voyager avec la magie nordique.

J’étais dans la salle pour demander aux Valkyries leur protection.

Et elles m’ont apportées leur aide ensuite.

Je l’ai apprécié.

La plus petite était à la place du héros sur la table.

Douce elle chantait un poème si beau.

Sous la table ils dormaient les chats de Freya.

Vers le tout petit ruisseaux sur le folkvang au milieu du jardin Freyr travaille.

Sur terre étaient les Bretons.

Durant la journée!

Durant la soirée!

Durant la nuit!

J’ai fait mon travail.

J’ai fait mes rituels.

J’ai fait beaucoup de choses pour ma famille.

Je ferait la même chose pour des amis.

Tout les jours je fait mon travail pour la Terre et la Bretagne.

Je sais une chose importante.

Thor le fils d’Odin m’aide souvent.

Merci Thor!

Merci beaucoup!

Salut Thor!

Qu’il en soit ainsi!


Prayer to thank our doorman Thor:

God of Thunder, Thor the Great! Thor son of Odin!

Your cart was dragged by two goats, they were pulling it.

In Asgard you did your job.

We made our Druidic liturgy.

A tall and strong porter was present for us.

He protected our way in the middle of the liturgy with his hammer.

It will do so again in the future.

Your father is calm. He works in the heroes’ saloon.

When times are sad he is against the sacred fire, he is worried watching.

I travel with Nordic magic.

I was in the room asking the Valkyries for their protection.

And they helped me afterwards.

I appreciated it.

The smaller one was in the hero’s place on the table.

Sweet she sang such a beautiful poem.

Freya’s cats were sleeping under the table.

Towards the tiny streams on the folkvang in the middle of the garden Freyr works.

On earth were the Bretons.

During the day!

During the evening!

During the night!

I did my job.

I did my rituals.

I did a lot of things for my family.

I would do the same for friends.

Every day I do my work for the Earth and Brittany.

I know one important thing.

Thor the son of Odin often helps me.

Thanks Thor!

Thank you so much!

Hail Thor!

So be it!

by Eikthyrnir Odinson posted on Februar 6, 2022 | Related: Deity Invocations, Gatekeeper Invocation, Norse Culture
Citation: Eikthyrnir Odinson, "Prayer to Thor in Breton, French and English", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Februar 6, 2022,