Cast Not…

by Gwernin posted on junio 13, 2019
Related: Creative Writing, dean

by Glenn “Maghnus” Wright

Cast not your sullen glare my way
          For I have not earned it…
Cast not your foul words to my ears
          For I do not deserve them…
Cast not your creed based biases at me
          For I allow you your worship…
Cast not your ‘moral’ values as edicts
          For you don’t know me…
Cast not vain and empty curses…
          For they will return threefold…
Cast not your vile and valueless threats
          For you lack the nerve to fulfill them..
Cast not your life away on wasted efforts
          For time lost will haunt you latter…
Cast not your time away on me
          For I forgive and pity you… 

by Gwernin posted on junio 13, 2019 | Related: Creative Writing, dean
Citation: Gwernin, "Cast Not…", Ár nDraíocht Féin, junio 13, 2019,