Magical Laws – Resonance and Authority

posted on marzo 28, 2019
Related: Magical Theory

Magical Laws viewed through Resonance and Authority

Laws of Magic – From The Divine Thunderbolt by Jane Sibley, Appendix. Rearranged to group by Resonance, Authority, or both.

Resonance Laws

1. The Law of Similarity: Magic performed on (or using) one object which is similar or identical to another will affect that other object. Resonance

2. The Law of Identity: A piece of an abject or organism is as effective, magically speaking, as the entire object or organism. Resonance

3. The Law of Contiguity: Any piece of a given item remains, magically speaking, part of that entire item, and retains the thaumaturgical identity of the whole. Resonance

Both Resonance and Authority Law

1. The Law of Attraction: If a certain phenomenon or effect is desired to occur at a given location, a dramatic enactment incorporating or mimicking essential features of that desired phenomenon should attract the genuine article. Resonance and Authority

2. The Law of Sympathy: A given magical effect will occur in greater format if induced in the lesser. Resonance and Authority

3. The Law of Assimilation: The magical effect which has been produced in an item is transferred to the living being which ingests it. Resonance and Authority

Authority Laws

1. The Law of Transference: A given magical effect can be transferred or sent from one object to another. Authority

2. The Law of Relevance: One or more items or organisms which have been acted upon (or changed in some way) by another item or organism remain linked to that specific item. Authority

3. The Law of Contagion: The magical effect which has been imparted to a specific item can “infect” whatever touches it. Authority

4. The Law of Association: A magical effect is produced in an item by naming it and using it as a given, specific magical item. Authority

5. The Law of Exclusion: If a given phenomenon or series of phenomena have been induced, certain other effects or phenomena cannot take place at the same time. Authority

6. The Law of Specification: If specific parameters are set, a given spell will selectively affect only those targets which fall within the specifications. If no limits are set, anyone or anything can be affected. If blurry or ambiguous parameters are set, the results could be quite unexpected. Authority.

7. The Law of Resistance/Immunity: In a given grouping of similar beings or things, some individuals will be more resistant to a given effect or spell than others. Authority

8. Law of Perversity: If something can possible go wrong, there is a good chance that it will. Authority

9. The Law of Deflection: Also called “the Medusa Effect.” Here’ one spellcaster may reflect an incoming spell back upon its caster via a previous activation of a mirroring spell, charm, or amulet. Authority

posted on marzo 28, 2019 | Related: Magical Theory
Citation: Web Administrator, "Magical Laws – Resonance and Authority", Ár nDraíocht Féin, marzo 28, 2019,