One Way of Understanding Animism

Contacting spirits has always been a discipline which requires the person engaging in it to conduct research and practice due diligence (whether by journey-work and/or physical access to a well-stocked occult library) and appropriate protective materials before making the effort. I’ve not mentioned it before as I felt it was something that is a known quantity of working with spirits of any stripe in our community. Its important you know what you are contacting so you will know if something reaches back to you that doesn’t seem right. Just because you intend to contact the spirit of a tree, a rock, a robin in that tree or a claw hammer does not mean that that is the spirit which will be grabbing hold when you reach out.

Hard Joy by Mike Bierschenk, originally published on his blog. I feel like the longer I practice druidry, the more I sit and talk with the gods and spirits, the more I have to sit …..

Lessons I Learned from a Three-Legged Deer

Back in 2018, almost exactly a year after my mother transitioned and entered into the Halls of the Ancestors, I was sitting on my front porch reading, and out of the corner of my eye I caught glimpse of a young deer. This deer was unlike any other I’d ever seen because he was missing the bottom half of his back right leg. He had a unique gait for a deer as you can imagine – sort of a dipping of his hindquarters as he moved slowly through the grass looking for his next snack. Little did I know, he would be one of my greatest teachers.