Loki and Sif’s Golden Hair

posted on June 13, 2019
Related: Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Creative Writing, dean

Loki can be such a twit. One day, he was off playing jokes once again, when he cut Sif’s golden hair, clean off. Now, Sif is a beautiful goddess, and wife of Thor, and Thor was not happy. He grabbed Loki, and was about to snap in him two, when Loki vowed to replace her hair with that of real gold. Thor was still not satisfied, he wanted it to grow. Loki promised anything. So, Thor let him go, promising that if Sif did not have her beautiful locks, Loki would have no beautiful life!

Loki ran to the dwarves. He asked them to make a golden hair for him. And they did. It was a beautiful headpiece that, once placed on Sif’s head, it would grow like hair should. Loki then decided to wager with the Dwarf Brokkr: His head in exchange for three things of equal virtue. They must be equal to Sif’s new hair, a ship that could be folded into pocket size, and a spear that always hit its mark.

The Dwarf Brokkr took this bet, and started working with his smithy brother Sindri. As Sindri got to work, Brokkr helped with blowing the bellows. But, Loki, never content to lose, sent a fly to sting Brokkr on the hand. This did not stop Brokkr, and when they were done, a Boar was made, with main and bristles of gold. The Boar could run through air and water, and would glow if it got too dark. Sindri got to work again, Brokkr still at the bellows. This time, Loki sent the fly to bite him on the neck. Still, this did not stop Brokkr, and when Sindri was done, he had created a golden ring that would create more golden rings. Sindri worked on his last item, and this time, Loki sent the fly to bite Brokkr between the eyes. This time, Brokkr had to stop. But, Sindri was able to create a Hammer of great strength that would always smite what it hit, and always return if thrown.

Loki and Brokkr took the items to the Aseir, and decided they would judge the contest. Loki gave Odin the Spear, Thor the Hair, and Freyr the Boat. Brokkr gave Odin the ring, Thor the Hammer, and Freyr the Boar. As Odin, Thor and Freyr discussed, they decided that the Hammer was the best. Loki had lost!

It was time to pay up, Loki said Brokkr could have his head, but not his neck! So, Brokkr decided to sew his mouth shut. He went to pierce Loki’s lips, but they were too hard! So, he used an awl. This worked, and Brokkr sewed up Loki’s mouth with a leather thong. Brokkr was satisfied, and left. Of course, once he left, Loki ripped out the thong. But, he made good on his promise, and Sif’s golden hair was made right.

posted on June 13, 2019 | Related: Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Creative Writing, dean
Citation: Web Administrator, "Loki and Sif’s Golden Hair", Ár nDraíocht Féin, June 13, 2019, https://staging.ng.adf.org/article/loki-and-sifs-golden-hair/