Recommended Gaulish Sources

posted on July 11, 2021
Related: Gaulish Culture, Research and Academic Papers

Books: Gaulish Celtic Studies:

  • Ancient Fire: An Introduction to Gaulish Celtic Polytheism by Segomâros Widugeni: This is a go-to for anyone who is looking for a good introduction book to Gaulish polytheism.
  • The Celtic Gauls: Gods, Rites, and Sanctuaries by Jean-Louis Brunaux: This book is a short, but a condensed overview of the Gaulish Celts and their culture.
  • The World of the Druids by Prof. Miranda Aldhouse-Green PhD: She references some of the Celtic material from Britain and Ireland, but most of this text is about the Gaulish Celts
  • Celts and the Classical World by David Rankin: He references some material from Britian and Ireland, as well as the Iberian Celts and the Galacians, but the bulk of the material is about the Gaulish Celts.
  • Lady with a Mead Cup: Ritual, Prophecy and Lordship in the European Warband from La-Tene to the Viking Age by Michael J. Enright
  • A Crane Breviary and Guide Book: Rituals for the Cranes of ADF, when they must kindle their own Good Fire by Rev. Michael J Dangler

Books: Gaulish Language Studies:

  • Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise : Une approche linguistique du vieux-celtique continental (French Edition) by Xavier Delamarre
  • Les noms des gaulois (French Edition) by Xavier Delamarre

Books: General Celtic Studies with Gaulish References:

  • The Gods of the Celts by Prof. Miranda Aldhouse-Green PhD
  • The Ancient Celts by Barry Cunliffe
  • The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain by Lewis Spence

Books: Other Resources and Studies with Gaulish References:

  • Our Own Druidry: Publication by Ár nDraíocht Féin: a Druid Fellowship
  • Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe by H.R. Davidson

Videos: Gaulish and Other Resources:

Websites: Gaulish and Other Resources:


Page Information:
“Recommended Gaulish Sources.” submitted by Trevor on 22 January, 2020

posted on July 11, 2021 | Related: Gaulish Culture, Research and Academic Papers
Citation: "Recommended Gaulish Sources", Ár nDraíocht Féin, July 11, 2021,