ADF Flamekeepers FAQ

posted on Juni 13, 2019
Related: Irish Culture, Brighid's Hearth SIG, dean

Frequently Asked Questions

— Do you use actual fire for Flamekeeping?

Yes, we keep an actual fire. A live flame is best. You may use a candle, gas lantern, oil light, hearth fire, or even a camp fire. What ever works best for you on your allotted shift day.

If a live flame is completely impossible due to circumstance, location, or fear of fire from young children or pets jostling the flame than you may even empower a stone or gem with the flame, something you can display or wear only on your shift days is best.

— How do I choose a shift day?

First you must be a member of the ADF Brighid Hearth Special Interest Group (SIG), please see for more information.

Once you have joined the SIG please send the following information to the Brighid Hearth SIG e-list, or you can email the SIG Coordinator privately.

Please include:

Your Name

Your Religious Name (if any)

Name you would like to be listed as on this website

Your location (City and State/Province and Country if outside US or Canada)

Your Grove Affiliation or if you are a Solitary Member

Your Preferred Shift Day

— When does the each shift start?

Flamekeeping shifts begin at sundown on the day listed on our Calendar. For instance if you choose shift 10 and the calendar lists January 11th as your shift day. Your shift begins at sundown of January 11th and runs through sundown of January 12th.

— When you say “Flamekeeping” what do you mean?

Tending the flame means, on the bare bones level, keeping a flame in honor of Brighid lit. However many Flamekeepers find a lot of value of spending at least part of their time in contemplation, prayer, meditation, and/or ritual on that day. This is left up to each Flamekeeper as we each have come to our dedication to Brighid on our own path.

— Do I have to keep my candle burning constantly for 24 hours?

No, you don’t have to keep the flame going for 24 hours straight if it is unsafe or you are otherwise unable.

Many Flamekeepers have pets and/or small children and do not feel safe keeping the flame burning while they are sleeping. Some Flamekeepers use the tall jar type candles (also called 5 day or 7 day candles) which go out if knocked over. Others, leave their candles in the middle of a sink or tub of water. Others may keep a candle on their fireplace hearth.

The most important thing is that you tend safely, even if that means only tending the flame when you are present. We only ask that if you agree to to fill a shift day that you do so for “some time” during that shift, even if all you can manage is 5 minutes.

— What if I have to travel or just otherwise can’t tend the flame at all … or What if I forget?

Remember even 5 minutes is enough. However, you might want to charge a special stone, a garnet or ruby for example, and carry it with you. Or you might consider using an LED candle.

If you absolutely cannot find the time to keep the flame on your assigned day there are other options. You can also ask someone else to tend for you on that day, or just let us know on the Brighid’s Hearth SIG e-list and someone will step up.

If you forget, first, forgive yourself. Everyone gets busy and it happens. Simply complete your shift when you realize your mistake and then begin your normal schedule when your shift comes up again.

— Is it ok to Flamekeep for one of the other Indo-European Goddesses who fill a similar role in their cultures as Brighid does in the Gaelic culture? (examples: Ffraid, Brigantio, Minerva, Vesta)

There is no consistant understanding about the nature of Brighid. Some of us tend to see her as a Pan-Celtic Goddess and that the names we find from Wales, Britain, and Gaul are expressions of the same Goddess. Others see each of these Goddesses as wholly seperate beings. Still others see a strong reflection of the nature of Brighid in Goddesses like Minerva and hearth Goddesses like Vesta.

All are welcome to both the Brighid’s Hearth SIG and to be ADF Flamekeepers. However, the SIG’s focus is on Celtic specific expressions of the Goddess Brighid. We not only encourage you to take part in our activities but to share your thoughts, experiences, and studies on the Brighid Hearth SIG e-list.

posted on Juni 13, 2019 | Related: Irish Culture, Brighid's Hearth SIG, dean
Citation: Web Administrator, "ADF Flamekeepers FAQ", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 13, 2019,