Harvest Time

posted on juin 13, 2019
Related: Creative Writing, dean

Sacred Earth’s vast treasury
is on display for all to see.
Born of death’s fruit,
a single moment in the grand cycle,
an endless Now that fills every horizon.

With a sudden explosion, great sigh, and ancient shudder,
she again heaves the wheel of life and death
and her creatures fall to their knees
and offer her thanks and praise.
For once more she has opened up her great vaults
and from them flows the shining river of green and gold
that yearly renews the precious gift of life.

O sing all you creatures,
Sing of the grace and generosity of your mother.
Sing of the joy of the harvest.
Sing of gratitude and blessedness
for life will continue.

posted on juin 13, 2019 | Related: Creative Writing, dean
Citation: Web Administrator, "Harvest Time", Ár nDraíocht Féin, juin 13, 2019, https://staging.ng.adf.org/article/harvest-time/?lang=fr