
posted on Juni 13, 2019
Related: Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Creative Writing, Deities, dean

by G. R. Grove

Sing I not the Sly One;
still I know, unwilling,
bound though be his body,
busy is his spirit.

Trickster, crafty thinker,
trouble-causing gabster,
mischief careless making,
men and gods befriending.

Envy seeking often,
after waking laughter;
thoughts and meanings twisting,
taking chances, wrecking.

Force of chaos foxlike,
false to foes and hall-kin;
good works also gaining
great, through measures hateful.

Ragnarök will rupture
rocks and chains, earth-shocking;
free, awaits most final
fight with horn-blown White One.

posted on Juni 13, 2019 | Related: Anglo-Saxon Culture, Norse Culture, Creative Writing, Deities, dean
Citation: Web Administrator, "Loki", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 13, 2019, https://staging.ng.adf.org/article/loki/?lang=de