2004 Liturgists Year Book

posted on Juni 13, 2019
Related: Autumn Equinox / Mabon, Beltane, Devotional Rituals, Family Rituals, Imbolc, Liturgists Yearbook, Lughnasadh / Lammas, Samhain, Solitary Rituals, Spring Equinox / Ostara, Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice / Yule, Irish Culture, Norse Culture, Proto-Indo-European Culture, Welsh Culture, Liturgists Guild

The links below will take you to the texts of rituals actually performed by ADF Solitaries and Groves in 2004. All rituals not specifically listed as Solitary Rites are for group work. Following the ritual , in parentheses, is the hearth culture of the rite. Where the word “Celtic” is used, it means there are elements from various Celtic cultures in the rite.


Summer Solstice

Winter Solstice

  • Yule, Solitary Rite (Norse), by Anthony Thompson
  • Yule, Protogrove of the Mystic Ash (Norse), by Selene Tawny
  • Saturnalia, Three Cranes Grove (Roman), by Jenni Hunt
  • Yule, Solitary Rite (Romano-Celtic), by Michael J Dangler



Autumn Equinox

  • Gleichentag, Solitary Rite (Norse), by Anthony Thompson
  • Mabon, Whispering Well Protogrove (Celtic), by Dierdre Rogers
  • Gleichentag, Protogrove of the Mystic Ash (Norse), by Selene Tawny
  • Nemos Ognios PG (Proto-Indo-European with Roman elements), by Ceisiwr Serith
  • Dionysos Rite, Sassafras Grove (Hellenic), by Earrach of Pittsburgh, et.al.
  • “Harvest Tide” Ritual, Whispering Lakes Grove (Irish), by Carrion Mann

Spring Equinox

Non High Day Rituals


posted on Juni 13, 2019 | Related: Autumn Equinox / Mabon, Beltane, Devotional Rituals, Family Rituals, Imbolc, Liturgists Yearbook, Lughnasadh / Lammas, Samhain, Solitary Rituals, Spring Equinox / Ostara, Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice / Yule, Irish Culture, Norse Culture, Proto-Indo-European Culture, Welsh Culture, Liturgists Guild
Citation: Web Administrator, "2004 Liturgists Year Book", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 13, 2019, https://staging.ng.adf.org/ritual/2004-liturgists-year-book/?lang=de