A Simple Crane Devotional

posted on März 28, 2019
Related: Devotional Rituals, Gaulish Culture, Order of the Crane, Practical Ritual Skills, Solitary Practice, Crane, dean

Stand before your altar. Relax, and begin.
Feel the earth below you, the firm ground. Experience the earth as upholding you, as maintaining your weight. Feel the earth holding you, rather than you pushing against the earth.

Earth Mother, I stand upon you today and recognize that we begin with you and we will end with you. Uphold me now as I give praise, and support me as I receive blessing.

A child of the earth, I come before the Gods, the Spirits of Nature, and the Ancestors to offer praise. I seek to establish ties with the Kindreds and with the Crane, to offer of my love and wealth, and to open to them in return.

The waters support and surround me.
The land extends about me.
The sky stretches out above me.
At the center burns a living flame.

I call out now to the Crane,
To the Keeper of the Gates.
Though I walk on uncertain paths,
Though I travel on unmapped ground,
Guide me, ward me, and relay my voice
As I offer prayers and praise.

In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center open before you: watch the mists part, see the door to the Otherworld open, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds reveal the Otherworld. See the Crane as he stands at the center of all these places, a creature of all realms though beholden to none. The Gates are now open, and the true work can begin.

I call out to my ancestors, those who came before me, you of my blood and you of my heart. I seek to give you praise, to remember you now, and to honour you.

Think on your ancestors: see their faces, smile with joy at their presence. If you have praise to give them, do so now.

I call out to the spirits of this place, the spirits of nature who are the soul of this land. I seek to give you praise, to call out to you now, and to honour you.

Think on the nature spirits: the faeries of the wood, the spirits of the land. If you have praise to give them, do so now.

I call out to the deities, first children, eldest and wisest. It is you to whom we look for guidance, and you who grant the greatest blessings. I seek to give you praise, to honour you now, to give you due worship.

Think on the deities: the great ones who bless our lives, who watch over us and show us that unconditional love. If you have praise to give them, do so now.

Now, with all the Kindreds called, I call out to the Crane: you guide us through the realms, you teach us to work in service to others. You show us that our hands are meant for service, that our hearts are meant to be open, and that our heads are to remain clear. It is you I call out to today. I seek to give you praise, to honour you now, to give you due worship.

Think now on the Crane: on the attributes of service and devotion, on his patient stance at the edge of the waters, and on his associations with transformation and change. If you have praise to give him, do so now. Then speak:

Today, I have given of my praise and myself. With love in my heart and devotion on my tongue I call out now, with all my soul: Accept my praises!

Take a moment to visualize, as you shout this last statement, all of your blessings, praise, and intent flowing up to the gods, out to the spirits of nature, and down to the ancestors. Hold yourself in that moment, watching your praises flow from you, and prepare yourself for what may be offered in return. Now, take your divination tool up.

As I have given praise to the Powers, I open to them. If there are blessings to be had, what might the nature of those blessings be?

Draw three symbols: one for the Ancestors, one for the Nature Spirits, and one for the Deities. Examine each one, think about the omen offered, and consider how it might translate into blessings. Now, take these omens and concentrate on them, holding forth a cup of water or other beverage, saying:

Indeed, the Powers offer me blessings. Now I seek the manifestation of those blessings, the outpouring from the Powers that offer them. To those who enter this exchange, pour forth your blessings into my cup!

Envision the blessings before you, either as a mist, or a vortex of energy, or as pictographic representations of individual blessings. Watch them pour into the cup, mixing and infusing with the liquid already inside.

This in my hands is a holy cup of magic, the great blessings offered to me as joyful return of my praises to the Kindreds. Here are the deep waters that flow within the earth and that rain from the sky. These are the waters of life!


I accept this blessing, and I drink it with love and knowledge of the Powers!

[If you are now prepared to take your Crane-Following Oath (see our supplemental publications), this is the appropriate point to do so: you are now filled with the blessings of the Kindreds and it is right that you should do work.]

Now, with joy in my heart, I give thanks: To the Crane who guides and wards me, thank you for your blessings. To the Deities, thank you for your blessings. To the Nature Spirits, thank you for your blessings. To the Ancestors, thank you for your blessings. To all those Powers who have aided me, thank you for your blessings.

To the Keeper of the Gates
For guiding me and warding me
Thank you for your protection.

In your mind’s eye, see the sacred center close before you: watch the mists gather, see the door to the Otherworld close, or watch the spiral of the magic from between the worlds close in on the Otherworld. The Gates are now closed, and this rite is ending.

Mother of all, to you I will return all things I have left unused.
For supporting and upholding me in this rite, I thank you!

This rite is ended!

posted on März 28, 2019 | Related: Devotional Rituals, Gaulish Culture, Order of the Crane, Practical Ritual Skills, Solitary Practice, Crane, dean
Citation: Web Administrator, "A Simple Crane Devotional", Ár nDraíocht Féin, März 28, 2019, https://staging.ng.adf.org/ritual/a-simple-crane-devotional/?lang=de