ADF Unity Ritual for a Gathering – 2006

posted on Juli 21, 2021
Related: Unity Rituals, Unkategorisiert

(Written by Rev. Skip Ellison, revised by Bardd Dafydd)

1. Musical Signal

(To establish the beginning.)

2. Earth Mother

(Pour a bottle of pure Spring Water into the Cauldron.)

Oh Earth Mother, you are our foundation, our roots. Without you this ritual would not be able to occur. We ask that you support us in our work as an organization and that you support our peoples and our tribes.

3. Bardic Calling

We call upon the bards of old. May the remembrance of their tales, poems and songs fill us with inspiration for this work.

4. Statement of Purpose

We are here today to ask the Blessings of the Kindred upon this gathering (you could name the event or Festival here if you want) and all those who have joined us here, and also upon all the Groves and Protogroves and Solitary Members of Ar nDraiocht Fein.

5. Gate Keeper Calling

(Offer Silver to the Cauldron.)

We call now upon all the gatekeepers of our tribes. Cernunnos, Manannan, Hermes, Mercury, Heimdal and all others who keep the ways for us. We ask that you aid us now in our work by lending your might to mine to open the gates and ward the ways between for us.

6. Outsiders Offering

(Pour Ale into a glass and take it outside the Circle.)

Outsiders, we know that you are still here and around us on a daily basis. We ask that you accept this offering of ale and trouble not our work.

7. Kindred Offerings

(All Sacrifices are made to the Unity Cauldron.)

Nature Spirits

(Pour a large bottle of pure Spring Water into the Cauldron.)

Nature Spirits, we ask that you join us in our ritual today and aid us in our working to bring ADF strength and to strengthen our bonds to the Earth and all the creatures that inhabit the Earth. Nature Spirits, we call upon all who live under the Earth, swim and walk upon the Earth and who fly above the Earth, join us in our work today.


(Pour a small amount of whisky or ale into the Cauldron.)

We are here in remembrance today. We remember your aid to us in all of our past work and ask that you aid us again today as we strive to make our organization grow and prosper.

Shining Ones

(Add some Holy Water from the local Grove into the Cauldron.)

Shining Ones, you of all of our tribes, we call upon all of you to witness this ritual. And to aid us in our work to make our organization grow strong and prosper.

8. Main Sacrifice

(Pour the collected ADF Unity Water into the Cauldron.)

Our organization grows stronger every day. We are here today, doing this work, to allow all members to grow closer and to make our organization stronger. Nature Spirits, Ancestors, Shining Ones, these offerings are for you. We ask that you help make ADF grow strong, grow together and prosper. So be it! If anyone has brought holy water or their local water to this rite, you may offer it now to be mixed and united with the waters of all the Groves.

9. Divination

(The Seer takes an Omen and announces it to the Folk.)

10. Return Flow

(Sprinkled onto the people, poured into jars and bottles, etc.)

These are the active Groves and Protogroves of Ar nDraiocht Fein in order from the oldest to the youngest:(Read Grove List)

We ask the Kindred to Bless each of these Groves and Protogroves and all the Solitaries of Ar nDraiocht Fein and to bind them in a spirit of Unity and cooperation that we may better serve our Gods.

11. Thanking the Kindreds

Shining Ones

Shining ones, you of all our tribes, we thank you for aiding us in our rite to strengthen our organization and to make it prosper.


Ancestors, we thank you for aiding us in our rite to strengthen our organization and to make it prosper.

Nature Spirits

Nature Spirits, we thank you for aiding us in our rite to strengthen our organization and to make it prosper.

12. Thanking the Gatekeepers and Closing the Gates

One last time today we call upon all of the gatekeepers of our tribes. Cernunnos, Manannan, Hermes, Mercury, Heimdal and all others who keep the ways for us. We ask that you aid us now in our work by lending your might to mine to close the gates.

13. Thanking the Bards

We give thanks to all of the Bards of Old that have helped us today in our work. Your words have given us the inspiration needed to make this ritual strong.

14. Thanking the Earth Mother

Earth Mother, we thank you again for the support that you given to us and pledge to always honor and respect you.

15. Announcement of Continuity and End

This ritual was begun at Wellspring in the year 2001 and will continue on all the High Days. So be it! The ritual is ended.

posted on Juli 21, 2021 | Related: Unity Rituals, Unkategorisiert
Citation: "ADF Unity Ritual for a Gathering – 2006", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juli 21, 2021,