Ancestor Ritual

posted on juin 13, 2019
Related: Roman Culture, Ancêtres, Roman Kin, Alieni, Apollo, Columbia, dean, Janus, Mars, Terra

Columbia Protogrove 2014


(Pass out Cups)

A. Marking of Sacred Space


We have marked off this space,

we have made it sacred,

from east to west,

from north to south,

we claim it as ours.

From here to there,

we proclaim it sacred.

The space is now sacred.

1. Call to ritual


Ancestors! (tap staff)

Nature Spirits!

Shining Ones!

Welcome kindred three, we shall meet after the gates have been opened.

2. Welcoming the Public to the Rite


Children of Terra! Welcome to Columbia Protogrove’s Roman Ancestor Ritual.

3. Calling on a Protector


There are many things unseen during this time of year. Let’s Invite and ask Mars Pater to

watch over this realm while we stand between the worlds. Legionarius, invite and make

offerings to Mars on our behalf!


Avi Mars, Hail Mars!

Son of Juno, father of Rome!

We beseech thee, come, oh mighty warrior, armored in bronze!

May you prohibit, repel and defend those unfriendly to our workings,

both seen and unseen

And remove from this place all destructive influence

That our workings may flourish

We offer offerings from old, of swine, ram and bull. (I’ll find something to stand in for

swine, ram and bull. Maybe pork, sheep and beef)

We beseech thee, grant us thy protection.


Mars, mactete hoc sacrificio

Mars, Accept our Offering

(Offers Meat to the Fire)

4. Appeasing the Alieni


The Alieni represent internal and external powers neither good nor bad that are counterproductive

to our rite. Now is the time to set aside cynicism, doubt, and pettiness.

We ask that you avert your eyes as we make offerings to the Alieni. We dont want to form

a close relationship with them. Legionarius! Make offerings to the Alieni who don’t support

our ways!


Alieni, those seen and unseen; we ask that you bother neither this rite nor those gathered

here this day! Here have some wine!

5. Procession


Children of Terra, you may now enter this Sacred Space.

Come we now as a people

To gather at the sacred well.

Come we now as a people

Together in the warmth and the light of the flame.

6. Purification of the Folk and Grove


Now it is time to purify ourselves of all imperfections, this allows us to present ourselves to the

Ancestors and Kindreds as pure beings.


(Places hands over water)

“Haec aqua a corpore impuritates, modo simile plumbo mutando ad aurum, elluat. Purga

mentem. Purga carnem. Purga animum. Ita est!”

Jonathan and Deb

By the might of the water and the light of the fire

you are made whole and holy

7. Opening Statement and Precedence


We belong to the gods and the gods belong to us, so let us pray with a good fire. Let us

offer with a full heart, knowing that when we do, we nurture our connection to them and

support the very gods themselves. In remembrance, we strengthen their powers. In honor,

we balance the worlds. In love, we bring peace and keep the Old Ways alive and present

8. Earth Mother/Goddess of Sovereignty


We honor the Earth Mother today in her form as Terra Mater. We will also honor our

Goddess of Sovereignty Columbia! Please kneel down and touch the Earth while we invite


(Faces Terra Mater Shrine, Does the Roman Salute in front of Shrine)

(Steps back to where Guest are Standing)

Avi Terra Mater, Hail Terra Mater!

Terra Mater, Goddess of fertility and growth and keeper of the fields.

Earth Mother, who bestows us with the bounty of your bosom, the beauty of the

mountains rooted deep within the land. Ever nurturing earth mother and guardian of life

Join us oh earth mother and come into our Grove and give us your blessing.

Terra Mater, mactete hoc sacrificio

Terra Mater, Accept our Sacrifice

(Offers Grain to her Shrine)


Great Goddess Columbia

we dedicate these words to you.

You…Great Mother of all…From you, all which have come before and after us, was born…

We inherit the hopeful heart-seed of our generation, yearning to grow into the strong oak

of legend…

We inherit the soul of our bodies, striving to support ourselves and our siblings in our


We inherit the passion to pot our seeds and watch them grow, those seeds swollen with

the sweet water you have provided for them from your overflowing well.

we inherit the name Columbia herself, which you have graciously poured onto our heads,

to placate the fire that ravages in our hearts.

we inherit the stag, running…darting…rushing…dashing…racing next to your waters,

guiding my restless hand to create the words I speak now…

We Inherit…


(Offer Grain to her Shrine)

Earth Mother Terra and Radiant Columbia, accept our offering!

9. Powers of Inspiration


We now call upon Phoebus Apollo for his gift of inspiration,so that our words may be

pleasing to the Kindreds


Avi Phoebus Apollo, Hail Phoebus Apollo!

Blessed one, Laurel-crowned and honey-tongued, golden and shining!

First among poets, who caresses the lyre’s strings with the touch of a lover,

We beg of you, gild our tongues and place upon our lips pleasing words, that they may lay

lightly upon the ears which receive them. Inspire us with song and verse, Cast your

radiance upon us. So blessed, may we take in your beauty and reflect it back, may we be

filled with awe and reverence, may we, too, speak as though from the hearts of poets. Let

our worship do justice to those in whose honor we have gathered!

Do ut possus dare! I give, that you may be enabled to give!

Apollo, Hac macte Sacrificio, accept our offering!

(Offers Bay Leaf to His Shrine)

10. Meditation


Now let us connect ourselves to the three Realms


Take a moment to find the center of your mind, body and soul. Now, let us begin to open

our minds to Magic, to the presence of the Gods. Begin with your body. Plant your feet

firmly on the ground, balanced and upright. Shake out your arms and shoulders. Let

gravity pull you evenly toward the Earth, as you release the everyday tensions in your flesh.

Now, begin to breathe deeply and regularly. With each in-breath fill your lungs slowly and

completely. With each out-breath empty them entirely. For a moment, simply watch your

breath. In and outSlowlyCompletely.

Now, as you continue to breathe deeply and regularly, imagine, feel that roots are

springing from the soles of your feet, reaching down into soil and stone, down to the

World below you. A strong taproot slides down, going deeper and growing stronger, down

to touch the cool, dark waters beneath the Earth. The dark, cool, magnetic powers of the


Breathe deep, and with each in-breath draw the Earth Power up through your roots. Feel it

flowing into your feet, tingling and energizing. Rising up from the Earthinto your legs

rising up through your legsfeel it pool in your groin. Breathe deep, and draw the Earth

Power up your spinerising through your bellyrising through your heartrising up to

pool in your headFilling and energizing yourising still to fountain out the crown of

your head and flow back to the Earth. Flowing back out through your head and hands, to

return to the Earth. So are you now filled with the Power of the Earth.

Now imagine, feel, that from far overhead, from deep within the turning Wheel of the Sky,

a single ray of light shines down, out and down to bathe your body and your spirit in the

warm, electric Sky power. Shining down over your headover your heartover your

loinstouching and warming the Earth Power.

Everywhere the light touches becomes bright, shining like the sun on the water. Now, raise

your shining hands to the Sky and let the Earth Power flow into your hands. FeelSee

your hands brighten and energize with the combined Powers of the Earth and the Sky.

You are now the Sacred Pillar, the World Tree, the vertical axis of all the Worlds. Now,

reach out to those beside you. Join your shining hands together. Let the Waters and the

Light merge and flow through us allthe Power flowing upward from belowthe power

flowing downward from abovethrough each and all of usmaking us one light, one

depth, one united community.

11. Statement of Purpose


Here tonight we honor the gods of Ancient Rome with whom we share existence each day.

We reassure them that, though millennia have passed, they are not forgotten. We come

together here tonight to honor our Ancestors…our beloved Dead, the Mighty Dead.

12. Hallowing the Portals


Before we can honor the kindreds and our beloved Ancestors we must create a space to

stand between the worlds…Let us now sanctify the portals to the other worlds.


By Fire and by Water, between the Earth and Sky

We stand like the World Tree rooted deep, crowned high.

1. Come we now to the Well, the eye and the mouth of Earth,

Come we now to the Well, and silver we bring.

Come we now to the Well, the waters of rebirth,

Come we now to the Well, together we sing.

(Repeat Chorus)

2. We will kindle a Fire, Bless all with harm to none,

We kindle a Fire, and offering pour,

We will kindle a Fire, A light ‘neath the moon and sun,

We will kindle a Fire, our spirits will soar.

(Repeat Chorus)

3. Gather we at the tree, the root and the crown of all,

Gather we at the Tree, below and above,

Gather we at the Tree, together we make our call,

Gather we at the Tree, in wisdom and love.

13. Opening of the Gates


The portals have been hallowed, we stand at the gates of creation, the gates of the

universe. The mists of creation are forming around us. NOW is the time we call upon our

Gatekeeper Janus Pater


(Begin the Janus Chant slowly)

(Faces Janus Shrine, Does the Roman Salute in front of Shrine)

Avi Janus Pater, Hail Janus Pater !!

Ianus Inceptio, God of beginnings;

Ianus Brifons, Two-faced Ianus;

Ianus Patulcius, Opener of doors;

Ianus Domesticus, Protector of homes;

Ianus Quirinus; God of the folk

We ask that you join us here!

Ianus Pater, accept our Sacrifice!

[offering of olive oil]

Now, Ianus

Join your magic with ours

And let the focus open as a gate,

Let the mundus open as a gate,

Let the arbor be the crossroads of all Worlds.

Janus of Openings, Help us part the mists and open the Gate!

(Open the Gates Chant)

PORTAE APERIANTUR Let the gates be open!

14. Offering to the Powers


The mists have been parted and the gates swung wide opened. We now stand in-between

the worlds. A place where we can communicate with the Kindreds and Our Ancestors,

Now time for us to invite, offer and honor the three Kindreds. We will be making offerings

to the Ancestors twice this evening. Who here calls to the Ancestors?


(To be given out to the public)

The children of Terra call out to the Mighty Dead.

Greetings, ancestors and divine dead.

You who were here before, we offer you welcome.

Ancestors of our blood, we offer you welcome.

You who guide us, we offer you welcome.

Come to our hearth, Ancestors

Guide us and ward us as we walk the elder ways.

Ancestors accept our Sacrifice!

(offering of silver)

Do Meditation

Nature Spirits

(To be given out to the public)

The children of Terra call out to the Spirits of this Land.

Kindred of earth, we offer you welcome

Kindred of the growing green, we offer you welcome.

Kindred who fly or walk or swim or crawl, we offer you welcome.

Come to our fire, Spirits;

Guide us and ward us as we walk the elder ways.

Nature Spirits, accept our sacrifice!

[offering of Grain]

Do Meditation

Shining Ones

(To be given out to the public)

The children of Terra call out to the Shining Ones.

To all Gods and Goddesses, we offer you welcome.

To all Gods of this place, we offer you welcome.

To all the deities of this Land, we offer you welcome.

Come to our hearth, Shining Ones;

Guide us and ward us as we walk the elder ways.

Shining Ones, accept our sacrifice!

(offering of oil)

Do Meditation

15. Praise Offerings


Now is the time to come up and make offerings to your Kindreds. If you didn’t bring an

offering we have some stones you can use. Remember, offerings from your heart are

preferred. Please hold on to your offerings to your ancestors, we will be making a special

offering to them.

(After praise offerings Two Adults go change into white robes, white masks, and veil)

16. Honoring the Ancestors


Now, Let us call upon the Mighty Dead!



Tradition of genetic fires, the folk songs in our veins,

Epics told that harken back forgotten memories,

Of grandest glory and generations of tears and pain,

Ancestors, O how You speak to us and are ever near!

Ageless heroes who banish apathy and hold the world,

Great Ones who majestically walk in with us,

Keep our steps in honor, our standards straight and unfurled.

Ancestors, we wait and listen, for we know that You are here!

And as the veils wane and doors do open this night,

We are mindful that we are the magical threshold –

Holding Your mysteries, telling Your stories, tragic or bright.

Ancestors, may we be mindful of who You are and what we will become.

In great respect, we offer to you this wine!

(Offering of Wine to well)

(Start the Chant….Doma Nobis Pacem…grant us peace)

(When the guest chant the People Cloaked in White enter. They will flank each side of

the altar and will be holding the offering bowels. They will remain at the altar sides until

they are thanked)

Children of Terra, you many now approach in twos and make offerings to your Ancestors.

Please give with your heart, do not hold back for the Ancestors knows what’s in your heart.

(during this time, the two adults and Ellone go change into black Robes, Black Masks,

Chains and Lily a noose)

17. Prayer of Sacrifice


Our actions thus far this evening have led up to this moment. We now offer the Prayer of

sacrifice, the last of our own offerings before we receive the blessings in return.


O Noble, Ancient and Shining Ones!

Incense have we offered to Your shrines!

Offerings have we made through the Well, Fire and Tree!

Kindreds! All this we give to You in the name of Hospitality.

May our Piety increase Your magic!

May our Courage increase Your Power!

And may our Fertile Spirits show the world Your abundance!

Mighty Kindreds, accept our sacrifices!

18. Piacular Offering


Since we are humans and prone to making mistakes, in light of this we shall make one

final offering to expatiate our faults.


Vesta Mater,

Gods and Goddesses,

Holy Ancestors,

Spirits of this place:

If anything that we have done here has offended you,

If anything we have done here has been incomplete,

If anything we have done here has not been in the proper manner,

Accept these final offerings in recompense.

With this incense I ask forgiveness and expiate our faults.

(Offer Incense)

19. Taking of the Omen


So we have given of our love and our wealth

To the Ancestors, that they may know our devotion.

Now let our voices arise on the Focus

Let our voices sound in the Mundus

Let our words pass through the Arbor.

May we open to the Ancestors,

Asking what blessings they offer us in return

And the needs they have of us.

(Jaymi Takes the Omen. When asking for the Ancestors, Jaymi will go to one of the

Ancestors to draw a card. )

20. Call for Blessings


We have made offerings to the Ancestors, and now we shall ask for their blessings in


Visualize the blessings that each of you desire and need from the Ancestors. See it clearly

in your minds eye. And when we ask for the Waters of Life, when we say, “Give us the

Waters of Life”, see the blessing you desire descend into your empty cup like a mist, filling

the cup. And when we drink of the Waters, you will receive your blessing. So close your

eyes and take a moment to visualize your needs, and the needs of our community, that we

may all receive the blessings we desire

(Those in White holding the Waters of Life)

We pray you honor us in turn

For a gift calls for a gift.

Hear your children:

Give us the Waters of Life!

Ancestors, give us the Waters!

Ancestors, give us the Waters!

And thrice, your children ask:

Ancestors, give us the Waters of Life!

(Sing: Pour the Waters Sad version)

21. Banishing the Numiane


We have made offerings and received blessings in return from our ancestors. However,

those who died tragically, either in child birth, Suicide, Murder or because of Drugs and/or

of Alcohol abuse leave behind Sadness, Angry, Guilt these “feelings” the Romans

recognize are the Numaine…or Demons….The Ancestors who Died Tragically have moved

on, but there Death shadow still lingers…Eating at us and reminding us of their final

moments. The Demons claws and teeth clench and rip deeply into our hearts.These

Feelings and Thoughts ARE the Numaine! We must recognize them within us and expel

them from our very Soul…which isn’t easy and we Must call about the help of a certain

“being”…this being…Dis Pater, Father Death…

Avi Dis Pater, Hail Dis Pater

(Makes Dis Pater hand Gesture)

Dis Pater, we call to you!

You who was here Before the Gods and you who will be here once they die.

For even you shall Reap the Gods themselves!

We Call to you!

We ask that you release your Hell Hounds of the underworld,

so that they may seek out the Numaine and expose those that clench within our very Soul

To expose these defilements within us!

Dis Pater, Favor us!

Release your hounds!

Accept this Silver as our Sacrifice!

Dis Pater, mactete hoc sacrificio

Dis Pater, Accept our Sacrifice

Let us now chant… Surge canes infernales.. Rise Hell hounds


(Those in Black Approach. They are crying and whaling)

These are the Numanie who’s claws clench to our Hearts, our Souls…

Dis Paters Hounds, have brought them to the forefront…

We recognize them…we know them….we feel them…

It is time to make appeasement to them….

Those who have the strength and willingness to step forward may do so now…

(Allow time to make Appeasement)

We have made offerings of appeasement, yet, they are still here. Now with all of our might

we must Banish them from this rite! With all that is within you, with all your energy, focus

and will we must be rid of them!

Now stand up…Point…Gesture…Mock…Numanine

stupri Numaine Cado

(Allow time for people to mock, then leave)

Lets take a moment to ground a bit…sit… still…The Numaine are gone for the

time being. we must recognize what they are…that they do not have power over us. Let us

now ground for a moment.

(Allow Time to ground)

22. Thanking the Powers


We have made offerings and honored our beloved dead. We have called about mighty

Gods and Goddess this evening. Now is the time to thank them before they leave.


Dis Pater! Death…you have Favored us this night…for that We Thank you


Mighty Dead, Mighty Ancestors we welcomed you home this night. We honor you as you

are our Blood, Kin and Tribe….for which we say We Thank you


Shining ones and Nature spirits…for being with us…we thank you!


Apollo and Mars…for inspiring us and guarding us…we thank you!

23. Closing the Gates


Let us now call upon Janus one last time to thank Him as well as close the portals to the

other worlds


Janus, for holding the gates open for us….we thank you!

Now, Let the Mundus be but a cauldron

Let the Focus be but a Flame

Let the Arbor be but a Staff

Janus pater let the gates be closed!

24. Thanking the Earth Mother And Columbia


Now let us thank our Earth Mother Terra Mater and Goddess Columbia


Terra Mater, great mother you who sustains us always….we thank you

Columbia, goddess of this land….we thank you

23. Closing the Rite


Everyone, please stand up and hold the hand of your neighbor

Once again, we have continued in our traditions, honoring the Gods,

Ancestors and Nature Spirits, just as in times of old. We have made offerings to our

Kindreds and received their blessings in return.

And now the rite is at an end, again we’re parting ways

May truth and honor be your friend and lucky be your days

I’ll hold you dearly in my heart, I’ll hold you in my mind

And though our branches grow apart, our roots shall be entwined.

Walk with wisdom, Friends. This rite is ended!


posted on juin 13, 2019 | Related: Roman Culture, Ancêtres, Roman Kin, Alieni, Apollo, Columbia, dean, Janus, Mars, Terra
Citation: Web Administrator, "Ancestor Ritual", Ár nDraíocht Féin, juin 13, 2019,