Blessing of the Beltane Fire

posted on junho 13, 2019
Related: Beltane, Well, Fire, and Tree, dean

Fire is the messenger of the gods; it is the symbol of the active, dynamic forces of change and transformation within the cosmos; it is the bridge across which our sacrifices are carried. As Druids, the lighting of the sacred fire is central to our practice. In a sense, it defines us. Tradition holds that the first fire in Ireland was lit by the chief Druid of the Nemed, Mide, on the sacred night of Beltane. This fire burned for seven years and the heat of it was so intense that it spread to the four corners of Ireland. After the lighting of that first fire, the Druids of Ireland then lit a fire each year at Uisnech, the ancient center of Ireland, reenacting this first sacred act, just as we reenact the creation of the cosmos at every rite.

We stand here today ready to maintain that ancient tradition, to rekindle the sacred flame. To reaffirm that the inner and the outer worlds are linked, that fire connects them, and to light our holy fire to make ready for sacred communion with the gods. Just as the ancient Druids of Ireland lit their fire at the center, so this sacred fire will be our center. Just as the heat of that first fire spread to the four corners of the land, let the heat of our fire be felt in all the worlds. So children of Danu, raise your voices to welcome the light, and let its holy flames burn in your hearts.

HAIL HOLY FIRE OF BELTANE! (call and response three times)

posted on junho 13, 2019 | Related: Beltane, Well, Fire, and Tree, dean
Citation: Web Administrator, "Blessing of the Beltane Fire", Ár nDraíocht Féin, junho 13, 2019,