Devotional Ritual by Angelique

posted on Juni 12, 2022
Related: Devotional Rituals, Solitary Rituals, Videos of Rituals, Non-Specific Hearth Cultures

Created by member Angelique on May 2022

Short intro: this ritual is done to give thanks and honor nature. I hereby wish to show reverence and respect for my ancestors and my family. this ritual is therefore done out of great reverence and in honor of nature and also to make a deeper connection with the shining ones.

Devotional Ritual.

A Child of the Earth comes to honor the Gods. O blessed Powers of Fire and Water, Light of the Sky, Depth of the Earth, Bring into my Shrine the Divine Fire Of your wisdom, love and power. Bring into my Shrine the flow Of the Power Under the Earth. The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree Flow and Flame and Grow in me

(Recite the offering, holding up each offering)

I give my offerings in the eye of the Mothers who cared for me In the eye of the Fathers who helped me In the eye of the Gods and the light of the Fire. Make me your adopted one.

O Mighty, Noble and Shining Ones Accept from me
(hold up salt )
Salt, that your power will preserve and defend me.
( hold up water )
Water, that your power will cleanse and sustain me.
( hold up incence)
Incense, that your power will inspire and delight me.

Bestow upon me in the time of my need, The Love of the Gods, The Wisdom of the Gods, and The Power of the Gods,

To do great things in the three worlds Each day and night, Each hour in blessing, Give to me your spirit.

(Anoint yourself with the salt and water. Pass a hand through the incense.)

The primal Sea around me, The shining Sky above me, The holy Land beneath me, The Order of the Worlds stands firm Around me and within my soul.

(Meditation : Spend some time thinking about the whole pattern of the ritual.)

(Upon completing the meditation re – center yourself )
(Renew the incense if needed and the blessing saying)

I offer my praise to the Mother of All. I offer my praise to the Gods, Dead and Spirits. May the three sacred Kins bring joy to all beings. May They renew the ancient wisdom.

To the Fire, Well and Tree I offer my praise. May wisdom, love and power grow in all beings. May they renew the ancient wisdom.

To the Earth, Sea, and Sky I offer my praise. May the ancient wisdom be renewed. May all beings know peace, joy and happiness in all the worlds.

(Put out the candles and allow the incense to burn out.)

posted on Juni 12, 2022 | Related: Devotional Rituals, Solitary Rituals, Videos of Rituals, Non-Specific Hearth Cultures
Citation: "Devotional Ritual by Angelique", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 12, 2022,