Disting Ritual

posted on Juli 16, 2021
Related: Imbolc, Norse Culture, Unkategorisiert, Heimdall, Saga

The Fire Maiden (FM) will light the fire and make an offering.

FM: I kindle the sacred fire in wisdom, love, and power.
Sacred fire burn within us.

Folk: Sacred fire burn within us.

FM will then cense the site and the folk.

The Keeper of the Well (KW) will pour the waters and make an offering.

KW: In the depths flow the waters of wisdom.
Sacred waters flow within us.

Folk: Sacred waters flow within us.

KW will then asperge the site and the folk.

The Tender of the Tree (TT)will dress the world tree.

TT: From the depths to the heights spans the world tree.
Sacred Tree, grow within us.

Folk: Sacred tree, grow within us.

TT will then asperge and cense the altar.

D1: The fire, the well, the sacred tree,

Folk: Flame and flow and grow in me!

D1: In land, sea and sky

Folk: Below and on high!

D1: Thus is the sacred grove claimed and hallowed.

Folk: So be it!

D1: By the cleaning of water and fire let all ill turn away from me and mine.
So sind sie!

The folk will be led through the Grove Meditation.

D1 will state the ritual purpose and historical precedent.

Heimdall, shining one, guardian of beautiful Bïfrost, son of nine waves and sounder of the ill fated horn, you who can hear the grass grow and even hear the wool growing on the sheep, we ask you father of all men to open the gates. You who teach us the runes and our Wyrd let us walk in your light so we may journey and learn in safety. Leuchten uns hervor, Heimdall.

See Yggdrasill, the cosmic tree, the axis of the universe that connects the nine realms. Now we call upon Heimdall, the gatekeeper, so we can connect to the realms and the shining ones. Watch the fire and Yggdrasill and see Bïfrost, the rainbow bridge, manifest to us.

The folk will chant the Gatekeeper Chant.

D1: Listen to the music of the universe, the music of Saga and draw inspiration into your hearts.

The Bard will invoke Saga:

Saga… All hear the ancient one come…
Saga… Help us see the harvest…
Saga… Guide us to the table…
Sing us tales of wonder
Remind us that we are able
To drain the cup yet drink again
Golden seer of eternal light
Fire us with your beloved presence
Your song is our own… Saga

A cup is poured for the outdwellers and they are acknowledged.

D1: Draw the strength of nature as we call the nature spirits.

D2: Dwarves, you spirits of the ground, marvelous maker of tools, we invite you to join with us this day. Hallow these waters. Share with us lore and blessings.

D1: Seih den Lebenswassern da!

Folk: Behold the Waters of Life!

The folk chant Fur and Feather.

D1: Remember the wisdom of our past kin as we call them.

D3: Mothers of prophecy, we invite you to join with us today. Hallow these waters. Share with us lore and blessings.

D1: Seih den Lebenswassern da!

Folk: Behold the Waters of Life!

The folk chant Mothers and Fathers of Old.

D1: Feel the protections of the gods as we call them.

D4: Patrons, matrons, Shining Ones we invite you to join with us this high day. Hallow these waters. Share with us lore and blessings.

D1: Seih den Lebenswassern da!

Folk: Behold the Waters of Life!

The folk chant Hail all the Gods.

The folk are now led in a meditation of recentering and merging of the new energies.

D1: Tyr, wolf leavings, witnesser of oaths, we ask you to join with us this day of honor and witness our commitments.

Have the folk brought praise?

Bard: They have.

D1: So sind Sie.

The Bard now conducts the praise offerings.

D1 holds up an evergreen branch and says: Our praise goes up to you on the wings of eagles; our voices on the wind. Hear us Tyr, we pray to thee as we offer up this sacrifice of life. Accept it and open our hearts and give to us of your peace and life. So sind Sie!

Folk: So be it!

While the omen is being taken the folk will quietly chant Come Druids All.

The diviner will lead the folk on the path of omen.

D1 raises the cup:

FM: Of what does the Earth Mother give that we may know of the continual flow and renewal of life?

Folk: The Waters of Life.

FM: And from whence do these waters flow?

Folk: From the bosom of the Earth Mother. The ever-changing All Mother.

FM: And how do we honor this gift that causes life?

Folk: By partaking of the Waters of Life.

FM: Has the Earth Mother given forth of her bounty?

Folk: She has!

D1 takes the cups saying: Tyr, we have praised you, hallow these waters and give to us of your power and inspiration and vitality. Seih den Lebenswassern da!

Folk: Behold the Waters of Life!

The cups are passed while the folk chant Share the Waters.

D1 says: The gods have blessed us. With joy in our hearts, let us return to the realm of mortals to do both their will and ours. Every time we invoke them, they become stronger and more alert to the needs of the folk . But now comes the time when we must prepare to depart. So let us give thanks to those whom we have invited here.

D1 says: Tyr, Wir danken Sie.

Folk: Wir danken Sie.

D1: Vorfahr, Ahne, Wir danken Sie.

Folk: Wir danken Sie.

D1: Naturgeisten, Wir danken Sie.

Folk: Wir danken Sie.

D1: Saga, Wir danken Sie.

Folk: Wir danken Sie.

D1: Heimdall, Wir danken Sie.

Folk: Wir danken Sie.

D1: By the keeper of the gates and by our magic we end what we began. Let the fire be flame and the well be water and the ways between be shut. Lassen die Toren zumachen.

Folk: Let the gates be closed.

D1: We have done as our ancestors did and as our children will do and the Gods have answered!

Let us go out into the world secure in the knowledge that our sacrifices have pleased the gods and that we go forth under their protection. The ritual is at a close.
Folk: So sind Sie.

The drum begins beating, the sigil breaks up chanting Walk with Wisdom.

posted on Juli 16, 2021 | Related: Imbolc, Norse Culture, Unkategorisiert, Heimdall, Saga
Citation: "Disting Ritual", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juli 16, 2021, https://staging.ng.adf.org/ritual/disting-ritual/?lang=de