Midsummer Blot & Healing Working: Frigg, Thor and Idun

posted on Juni 13, 2019
Related: Healing Rituals, Summer Solstice, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice, Frigg, Idun

by Grove of the Seven Hills, ADF

Pre-Ritual briefing:
Musical Signal call the Folk to the Ritual Stead
Harvest St/ John’s Wort & fennel as we process

Stop at mother mound:
Honoring the Earth Mother-Nerthus (offer milk)

Earth Mother, sustainer,
From you we spring
by you are we nourished
To you we inevitably return.
Our bodies are built upon your bounty
Our spirits strengthen with your support
What can we give
that is not ours by your grace?
What gift can we make
that was not first your gift to us?
We offer of ourselves,
we offer of our love
we offer of our labors.
Earth Mother, accept this token
and support us in our work.
Earth Mother, we honor you with a kiss.

Hammer Rite:

With Hammer aloft circle the nemeton saying “Helga va thetta ok hindra alla ilska,” Offering to Outgarð -“Dark and twisted wights, unhallowed; you who dwell beyond our stead, who look with malice and with spite on the work we do. Take this offering, so freely given, and trouble us not. Our stead is well-warded by the mighty Mjolnir, enter and face its falling.”

Call for Bardic Inspiration to Kvasir:

In one voice call the folk to Kvasir.
With God-water and poetry of man
was wrought a peace not worn by years
Mead-bleeder hear me!
Word-weaver hear me!
Kvasir, come be the Fire in our Heads!

Establishing the Sacred Center

“We stand at the center of the 9 Realms and kindle our Fire (light main Fire). Flames of creation and destruction. Sacred Fire, burn within us!” Folk repeat last.

“Blessed water that nourishes Yggdrasil, welling through the center of the realms. Sacred Waters, flow within us!” Folk repeat last.

“Yggdrasil, axis on the Worlds, may we be deepened in your depths. May we be raised to your heights, may we be strengthened by your strength. Sacred Tree, grow within us!” Folk repeat last.

Honoring the Nine Realms/ lighting the Yule Log:
(Light middle three candles for the middle realm)
We honor Midgard, land that we share; we honor Niflheim, land of ice; we honor Muspellheim, land of fire.
(Light the right three candles for the Lower realms)
We honor Hel and the halls of the dead; we honor svartalfheim, land of those who toil in darkness; we honor Jotunheim, land of the wild giants.
(Light the left three candles for the Upper realms)
We honor Asgard and the halls of the Gods; we honor Alfheim, toothgift of Freyr; we honor Vanaheim, light and airy.

Call to Frejya as GateKeeper
(offer mead)

Opening the Gates:
(Make the Pertho Rune over the Well)
My words echo in the Well of Wisdom, my words echo in the ears of the Disr. Let the Well open as a Gate!
(Make the Kenaz rune over the Fire)
My words soar over the burning of Bifrost, my words soar into the Halls of the Aesir and Vanir. Let the Fire open as a Gate!
(Make the Eihwaz rune at the Tree)
My words travel the trunk of Yggdrasil, my words travel the nine realms. Let this Tree become the pivot of the Worlds! Children of Rig, the Gates are Open! (folk repeat)

Honoring the 3 Kindreds:

Alfar & Disir;
Aesir & Vanir;

Blot to Frigg & Thor & Idunn: One round of toasts to each.

Final Sacrifice:
To the Fire is offered a basket containing a spool of linen thread, a goat shank (from the halal market), and golden delicious apples.
Senior Druid says “We make gifts to you beloved ones. Gifts from our hearth, gifts from our flock, and gifts from our fields. These gifts we toiled and worked to produce for you and we are proud of their worth. As the seasons change and the light begins its decline, remember us, honor us, and gift us as we have done for you this day.”

Taking the Omen:
How are our offerings received? (pull a Rune, if the omen is positive)
What Blessing or Wisdom is offered in return? (pull a Rune)
Do the Folk accept this boon? Will the folk heed this boon? Do the folk wish to receive this boon?

Litany of the Waters
(two horns: one sacred water, one with Midsummer mead)

Return Flow: pass the horns

Working: Blot to Eir for Healing

(fill horn, recite prayer and offer St. John’s Wort to the fire, pass the horn, sprinkle some of the blessed mead onto sprigs of St.John’s Wort for use in tea, or as a charm. Pour the remainder to the Well for Eir)

In this sacred Grove we stand
to call for healing.
Eir, whose gentle hand
can mend with tender feeling,
Eir, Handmaiden of Frigg,
We make a gift to you
Of this humble blooming spring.
St. John’s Wort, with magic true
To heal our ills and spirits lift.
We’ll drink of health and find relief,
For as a gift demands a gift;
A healing draught for this lovely leaf.


“As we prepare to leave this space and return to our ordinary realm, let us thank those who aided us this night. Landvettir, who share their world with us, we thank you! (Folk repeat)
Ancestors who gave us birth, we thank you! (Folk repeat)
Bright and high Aesir and Vanir, we thank you! (Folk repeat)
Mighty Thor, brave hope of man, we thank you! (Folk repeat)
Fair Idunn whose fruit keeps strong the faithful, we thank you! (folks repeat),
Beloved Frigg with hearth well-kept, we thank you! (folk repeat)
Swift Freyja, for your warding and watching, your guiding and guarding, we thank you! (Folk repeat)

“Let the Fire be now flame, let the Well be now water, Let mighty Yggdrasil be again the tree we know and love in Midgard. Let the Gates be closed! Go now Children of Rig and carry the blessing of our Gods with you.”

posted on Juni 13, 2019 | Related: Healing Rituals, Summer Solstice, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice, Frigg, Idun
Citation: Web Administrator, "Midsummer Blot & Healing Working: Frigg, Thor and Idun", Ár nDraíocht Féin, Juni 13, 2019, https://staging.ng.adf.org/ritual/midsummer-blot-healing-working-frigg-thor-and-idun/?lang=de