Solitary Norse Rite to Nerthus

posted on juillet 22, 2021
Related: Devotional Rituals, Solitary Rituals, Norse Culture, Honoring the Environment, Nerthus

Solitary, but could be adapted to small group use with a little work

~items needed~

water and herbs for purification

offerings for Three Kindreds and Earth Mother

representations of Fire, Well and Tree

~Opening Prayer ~

From the Mother I was born, and to the Mother I will return.  

I walk the Elder Ways, a Child of Earth.

With each step the Earth Mother blesses me.

With sacred soil beneath me, sweet waters around me, and caressing air above me.

As my forebears before me, as those who come after me, 

so may I stand before the Mother today and give her honor.

Hail to Nerthus, goddess of old, matron of the the living land. 

Let this rite begin.  

(perform Two Powers Meditation if you wish)


Let me be purified.  Let me be sanctified to the earth.  

(wash hands and face with water)

With this gift of the Mother, I cleanse all impurities from my body. 

(take deep breath and exhale. Think good thoughts)

With this gift of the Mother, I expel all doubt and negativity from my mind.  

(burn herbs such as sage and juniper)

With these gifts of the Mother, I banish all unwanted influences.

(make sign of Thor’s Hammer)

With this sign, I ward the area from all ill wights. 

Behold! I stand here, clean of mind and body and spirit, with no ill wights around me.  Behold, I stand worthy to entreat the blessings of Nerthus. 

~Recreation of Cosmos~

As a Child of Earth, I step into the sacred center.  Let me stand before the center of all things, where All That Was and All That May Be meet in sacred union.  

In the great depths there is a Well.  The Well is Urd, where the gods hold court, and the Norns color the fates of men.  Sacred Well, flow inside me!  

In the great expanse there is a Tree.  The Tree is Yggdrassil.  Its roots and branches extend into the Nine Worlds.    Sacred Tree, grow inside me! 

In the great heights there is Fire.   The Fire is the fire of Bifrost, which spans Midgard to Asgard.  Sacred Fire, burn inside me!

In the beginning, Fire and Ice met in the yawning gap. Ymir the Giant was born!  The three sons of Bor slew Ymir.  From his skin came the earth, from his blood came the sea, and from his skull the sky.  Hail  to land, sea and sky! 

Fire, Well and Tree!  Land, Sea and Sky!   I am a Child of Earth and I stand before the center of all things.   Let my words be heard through all the worlds.  Let me deeds resound through all the realms.  

~Inviting the Kindreds~

Hail to the spirits of the departed,  to those who walked the Elder Ways long before me and are now interred in the bosom of Nerthus.   From the halls of death where you dwell, be here now with this Child of Earth.  Spirits of the departed, be present at this rite!

Hail to the wights of nature who share Midgard with me as I walk the Elder Ways with Nerthus.  From land, sea and sky where you dwell, be here now with this Child of Earth. Wights of nature, be present at this rite!

Hail to the Gods and Goddesses, to the Aesir and Vanir who preside over the Elder Ways and are kin with Nerthus. From the realms of Asgard and Vanaheim where you dwell, be here now with this Child of Earth.   Gods and goddesses, be present at this rite!

To the Three Kindreds, I render my respect and devotions.  As I walk the Elder Ways may I never forget the blessings of the Kindreds, and may they never withhold their favor from me.  Three Kindreds, accept this offering! 

(make a suitable offering)

~Honoring the Earth Mother~

To Nerthus, ancient one.

In days of old, the many tribes gathered to give you honor.

On your island where sat the scared grove,

the priest tended your cart and sacred heiffers. 

Around the land was your carriage led.

No war was made.  Weapons were cast aside. Iron was covered.

The Folk knew peace and happiness. 

Nerthus, goddess of sacred rites, I call you now to my devotion. 

Nerthus, be present at my rite!

Nerthus, as in days of old, you are needed once more.

Let the tribes of men gather to honor you. 

Let war cease and let weapons be cast aside. 

Let peace and happiness pour forth through the lands.

Let the Children of Earth know and honor their Mother once more. 

Mother Nerthus, accept this offering! 

(make suitable offering). 


To Odin the All-Father who hung on the world tree nine nights to learn the runes,

To the Three Kindreds who walk beside me on the Elder Ways,

To Nerthus the Mother whose sacred soil I tread upon:

A gift calls for a gift.  

As I have gifted you, gift me the means of discerning your will. 

What is the will of the gods and spirits this day? 

(pull runes or another symbol set of your choice).

Hail to the gods and spirits for these omens!


(At this point one could perform any kind of devotional activity they feel is best suited to the spirit of Earth Day.  They could meditate and commune silently with nature.  They could plant a tree or flowers. Or perhaps they could simply lift a cup of the beverage of their choice and make a toast.)  

~Thanking the Beings~

Hail to Mother Nerthus.  

Hail to the Gods and Goddess who preside over the Elder Ways.  Hail to the wights of nature who walk the Elder Ways with me.  Hail to the spirits of the departed who walked the Elder Ways long before me.    

Hail to you all.  As I walk the Elder Ways may you favor me.  May your blessings fill my head, my heart and my loins.  

Fire, Well and Tree! Land, Sea and Sky!  I stood at the center of all things, before All That Was and All That May Be. My deeds are known in all the worlds, my words are known in all the realms. 

I leave the sacred center, but I remain a Child of Earth. 

~Closing Prayer~

From the Mother I was born, and to the Mother I will return.  

I walk the Elder Ways, a Child of Earth.

With each step the Earth Mother blesses me.

With sacred soil beneath me, sweet waters around me, and caressing air above me.

As my forebears before me, as those who come after me, 

so have I stood before the Mother today and gave her honor.

Hail to Nerthus, goddess of old, matron of the the living land. 

 Let this rite end. Configure

Page Information:
“Solitary Norse Rite to Nerthus.” submitted by jbaer

posted on juillet 22, 2021 | Related: Devotional Rituals, Solitary Rituals, Norse Culture, Honoring the Environment, Nerthus
Citation: "Solitary Norse Rite to Nerthus", Ár nDraíocht Féin, juillet 22, 2021,