Stonewall Ancestor Ritual (Sumbel)

by JacqueC posted on juin 19, 2022
Related: Devotional Rituals, Home Shrine Rituals, Special Occasion Rituals, Norse Culture

Set Ritual Mindset

As we gather around this horn, we settle our minds and remember we are in sacred space. The horn connects all the worlds, and when we speak over it, all the worlds hear us. May our words and deeds be honorable. 

Purpose and Precedent

We gather at this time to honor those who came before us. We call to those ancestors of the LGBTQ community, whether or not they would have used those identities depending on when and where they lived. We specifically call on the ancestors who started the Stonewall Rebellion and those who started the Gay Rights Movement in the US. For all those ancestors who have fought for the rights of this community, we thank you and give you this offering. 



While any ancestor can be called, it is best to acknowledge ancestors, known or unknown, who were part of the LGBTQ community, or helped the community in some way. 

Round 1: Ancestors of Blood and Heart

Round 2: Ancestors of Culture

Round 3: Ancestors of Stonewall and/or the Gay Rights Movement

*Instructions for a Sumbel: Participants stand in a circle and either pass around a horn (filled with a drink) or else have their own cups with a drink inside. Each round of a sumbel can be dedicated to specific beings, and there can be several rounds or just one. After each person says their piece, they finish with a “Hail!” or “Hail, [Name]!” and others also hail that being in acknowledgement of what the speaker said. Then the speaker (or all participants if they have their own cups) drinks a sip and passes the horn on (or the next person in the circle begins). 


We thank all the ancestors we named here in ritual. We have honored these ancestors and know they have heard us. This rite is ended.

by JacqueC posted on juin 19, 2022 | Related: Devotional Rituals, Home Shrine Rituals, Special Occasion Rituals, Norse Culture
Citation: JacqueC, "Stonewall Ancestor Ritual (Sumbel)", Ár nDraíocht Féin, juin 19, 2022,