Winter Solstice Ritual

posted on agosto 29, 2021
Related: Winter Solstice / Yule, Irish Culture, Não categorizado, Angus Mac Og, Maponis

He who is known as Maponis, the Divine Child,
He who is known as Belinus, The Great Lord of Divine Fire,
He who is known as Angus Mac Og, Son of the Young.
Known are you by many names by many peoples,
Yet always the same in your countenance.
‘O Shining, Radiant, Lovely One,
We behold your rebirth this day
In awe and reverence.
We make offering to you of gold,
The shining tear of the sun.
The Senior Druid makes the offering to the Cauldron of the Waters.
We make offering to you of the sacred Holly,
The ever green and ever growing.

The Senior Druid makes the offering to the World Tree offering bowl.

We make offering to you of oil and incense,
So your flame may grow in strength and brilliance.
The Senior Druid makes the offering to the Sacred Fire.
‘O beloved, newborn son of the Great Mother,
Accept our worship and our praise,
And grant us your blessings.

The Grove Members speak in unison: Grow strong, ‘O newborn Sun.

The Herald sounds the Carnyx.

The Senior Druidess Speaks:

She who is known as the Madron, the Great Mother,
She who is known as Cerridwen, the Keeper of the Cauldron,
She who is known as the Cailleach,
The Veiled Crone of Stark Winter.
Known are you by many names by many peoples,
Yet always the same in your countenance.
‘O Shadowy, Hidden and Haggard one,
We behold your great mystery this day,
In awe and reverence.
We make offering to you of Hazelnuts,
The kernal of Knowledge from your sacred tree.
The Senior Druidess makes the offering to the Cauldron of the
We make offering to you of pork,
The flesh of your sacred sow.

The Senior Druidess places the offering by the World Tree offering Bowl.

We make offering to you of Apples,
The fruit of the tree of the Blessed Isle of Death and Rebirth.
The Senior Druidess makes the offering to the sacred fire.
‘O Great, Mysterious, Veiled One,
Accept our worship and our praise,
And grant us your blessings.

The Grove Members speak in unison: Guard well the Mysteries, ‘O Great and Hidden One.

The Herald sounds the Carnyx

Page Information:
“Winter Solstice Ritual.” submitted by Amergin

posted on agosto 29, 2021 | Related: Winter Solstice / Yule, Irish Culture, Não categorizado, Angus Mac Og, Maponis
Citation: "Winter Solstice Ritual", Ár nDraíocht Féin, agosto 29, 2021,