Yule Blot to Frigg and Oath-Taking

posted on junho 13, 2019
Related: Winter Solstice / Yule, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice, Frigg

Grove of the Seven Hills (GOSH), ADF’s Yule Blot to Frigg and Oath-Taking Dec. 16, 2006

Processional: process from studio singing “Come we Now as a People”

Words of Welcome: Druid1

Honoring the Earth Mother: Druid1, “The Children of the Earth call to Nerthus, mighty Mother, Blossom-lifter, seed-charmer. Earth Mother, from you we come, by you we are sustained, to you we will return. Great Nerthus, as you hold all life safe in the dark depths in this time of Yule, uphold us in our rite. Hail Nerthus!”

Prayer for Bardic Inspiration: Druid2, “The Folk call to Saga, Tale-teller, come to our stead. Share with us your Golden Cup, let our words glow within our heads, glow upon our tongues, glow upon the air. May we speak words of frith and makes our oathes with honor.”

Purpose & Precedent: Druid3, “The Sun has withered and grown weak. Her strength is waning and we who are Dependent on her light and warmth, wait and watch in the Wolf’s darkness as the longest night draws nigh. Let our voices sound to the heavens. Let our wills be joined as one. Let our oathes strengthen our bonds, And drive the Wolf once more to the shadows, to hasten the Sun’s rebirth.”

Triple Center: Well: Druid4 (pour water into the Well) “Deep flow the Waters of Wisdom and rebirth. Sacred Waters, flow within us.” Fire: Druid6, “Bright burn the fires of creation and destruction, bright burn the fires of transformation. Sacred Fire, burn within us.” (offer oil to the Fire) Tree: Druid1 (asperge Tree), “From the depths to the heights spans Yggdraisil, the mighty World Tree, axis of all. Sacred Tree, grow within us!” all sing “Portal Song”

Lighting the Yule Log: Druid1, (light center three candles beginning in the center, then the left and right ones) “We light this flame for Midgard, realm which we all share; for Muspellheim, primal realm of Fire; for Niflheim, Ancient realm of Ice.” ( light right three canldes, begin in center, then left and right) “We light this flame for Hel, realm of the Blessed Dead; for Svartalfheim, realm of the dark elves who toil through the night; for Jotunheim, realm of the Frost Giants.” (light the right three candles, begin in the center, then the left and right ones), “We light this flame for Asgard, shining realm of the Aesir, halls of the gods; for alfheim, realm of the light elves, Hall of Frey; and for Vanaheim, realm of the Vanir, fair and fertile.”

Outdwellers: Druid5, “Dark and twisted, wight unhallowed, you who dwell beyond our ken; who look with malice and with spite upon the work we do. You whose work is not our own this night, to you we make offering and bid you leave our Hall in peace. Well warned are you, and well warded are we.” (take offering outside)

Hammer Rite: Druid1, “Behold Mjolnir, Hammer of the Gods. Hallow and hold this holy stead. Unkindly wights and those who do not come in frith, trespass not, for we are well-warded and well-warned have you been. Helga va thetta ok hindra alla ilska”

Gatekeeper: Call to Syn, Druid1, “Hail Syn, handmaiden of Frigg and keeper of doorways. Hail Syn, wise in the ways of passing. We ask you now to hold the Gates, admit our words into the halls of the Gods, admit our words into the halls of the Dead. Syn, accept this gift (pour ale into hlautbowl) and aid us as we open the gates, open the gates, open the gates…”

Kindred: Landvettir: Druid1, “Landvettir, spirits of this land and spirits of this house, we offer you these gifts (place cream and bread on the hearth). Attend us as we attend you. Landvettir, accept our sacrifice.”

Alfar & Disr: Druid6, “We call to the Alfar and the Disr, to our honored dead. Ancestors, remember us as we remember you. Ancestors, accept our sacrifice.” (empty ale into Well)

Aesir & Vanir: Druid4, “Bold and mighty Aesir, bright and fair Vanir, the Children of Rig call to you. Come join us by the light of our fire, honor us as we honor you. Aesir, Vanir, accept our sacrifice.” (light 9 sticks of incense)

Blot to Frigg: (holding spindle in one hand and horn will with ale in the other) “Great Frigg, Mistress of Asgard, spin your way to our Grove. Frigg Grove Matron, weave your way amidst us. We gather here on Yule, in the abiding darkness to give you honor, to swear our oathes, to firm our frith. You, key-keeper, well you know the importance of our ties, the warp and weft of society. Bright Frigg, attend upon us. Frigg, accept this sacrifice!” (empty horn into hlautbowl)

Oath taking & praise offerings: Grove officers make their oathes first, then Dedicants, then everyone. Bard holds boar for person making oath. After oath is spoken, oathers hangs an apple on the Yule tree. Horn is filled and everyone drinks to affirm their support of the oathes made.

Omen: Druid1 takes a Rune reading

Return Flow: Litany of the Waters

thanks and farewell to Gods and spirits who were called.

posted on junho 13, 2019 | Related: Winter Solstice / Yule, Norse Culture, Eldr ok Iss: Kin of Fire and Ice, Frigg
Citation: Web Administrator, "Yule Blot to Frigg and Oath-Taking", Ár nDraíocht Féin, junho 13, 2019, https://staging.ng.adf.org/ritual/yule-blot-to-frigg-and-oath-taking/?lang=pt-br